I'm Janice, a registered social service worker with almost ten years of experience in private practice. I work primarily with people struggling with anxiety and depression and those who are struggling to adapt to their new role (ex., parenthood, a new job, or a new relationship).

My goal is to create a toolbox of skills and tools for those who are struggling with these things so they can go out into the world and have the skills they need to make life easier. Unfortunately, today's society often doesn't teach us skills and tools to cope with big feelings, making it challenging to navigate new experiences where we feel like we have to do something or should do something because that's what we were taught.

In my work, I have conversations with clients to help make these difficult situations easier to navigate, and over time, they start to build their own toolkits. By recording this podcast, I'm hoping to give you some of these tools in bite-size chunks so you can listen and understand and start implementing some of these skills that I teach my clients.

As for me, I identify as an INFJ in the Myers-Briggs personality test (or a Ravenclaw), meaning I'm an introvert who likes to listen and share wisdom. I'm a tea drinker; if you offer me chocolate, I'll always accept; and if I pass by a fluffy animal, I will say hi. Throughout my life, I've lived with a variety of different types of anxiety, from social anxiety to postpartum anxiety. 

It's been a lifelong journey, and these skills have required me to learn and relearn them, making me a constant work in progress. But knowing that you're not alone in this journey is why I do this work. Thank you for being here with me, and I look forward to sharing the skills I've learned and practiced so we can do this work together.

Stay Curious

Janice Lyons

Janice Lyons

Owner and Registered Social Service Worker

Contact Me